#2 - Gifted by Eagles in 1957. Photo: Sue A. Hoffman, In Search of God and the Ten Commandments, p. 180.
© 2020 by Robert V. Ritter, Founder, Jefferson Madison Center for Religious Liberty
Where are the Eagles Ten Commandments Monuments?
#3 - Gifted by Eagles in 1959. Photo: Sue A. Hoffman, In Serach of God and the Ten Commandments, p. 218. A city hall?
**** October - November 2020 ****
#5 - Gifted by the Eagles in 1988. Monument, hidden by shrubbery, is in the center. Photo: Sue A. Hoffman, In Search of God and the Ten Commandments, p. 306. Monument may be in Idaho or Wyoming.

Monument News

#1 - Gifted by Eagles in May 1957. Photo: Sue A. Hoffman, In Search of God and the Ten Commandments, p. 177. Monument may be in the greater Pittsburgh area.
#4 - Gifted by the Eagles in 1975. Photo: Sue A. Hoffman, In Search of God and the Ten Commandments, p. 299.
A friend of the Jefferson Madison Center informed the Center that there is an Eagles’ monument in Watertown, South Dakota. The 1966 monument is located on the lawn of the Coding County Courthouse.         The public’s help in located the remaining five Eagles Ten Commandments, whose pictures are shown at the bottom, would be much appreciated. If you know the location of any of the six monuments below, please send an email to bobritter@eaglesmonuments.com with the location and, if possible a close up and area photo of the monument. The photos will be added to the EaglesMonument’s state webpage. Thank you in advance.

1st Mounment Found in South Dakota

HELP find 5

Eagles monuments

Codington County Courthouse Watertown, South Dakota
Please help the JM Center complete its research on the Eagles Ten Commandments program by locating six Fraternal Order of Eagles Ten Commandments monuments. Email the location, photos and other information about an Eagles monumwent to Bob Ritter. Photos may be used in a forthcoming book. You will be given photo credit unless you request anonymity. Thank you. / Bob Ritter
The Jefferson Madison Center sent a letter October 19th to the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chief Justice John G. Roberts and Judge Amy Coney Barrett informing them that Senator Ted Cruz lied when he told Judge Barrett and the Committee that the Ten Commandments are displayed 43 times in the courtroom of the U.S. Supreme Court. In fact, the Ten Commandments are displayed ZERO times in the courtroom or elsewhere at the Supreme Court. 40 of Senator Cruz’s so-called displays of the 10Cs are nothing more than Roman numerals I-X on the Court’s bronz gates. Two more are Roman numerals on the courtrooms main doors. And the 43rd instance cited by Senator Cruz? Well, he was referring to Moses’s tablets on South Wall Frieze of the courtroom. What Senator Cruz was afraid to tell Judge Barrett and the Committee was that the legible Hebrew on the tablets translates to: “Thou shall murder,” “Thou shall commit adultery” and “Steal.” Those certainly aren’t God’s Laws. The JM Center’s letter requests that the Senate censure Senator Cruz for his false statements and for the Supreme Court to fill in the anti-Semitc engraving so that Moses’ tablets appear to be blank.

Sen. Ted Cruz Lies to Judiciary Committee